Friday, February 27, 2009

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Oz bushfire appeal shop at etsy

I joined etsy in July 2008 hoping to make enough money to be able to stay at home and not go back to work. I am on the way to achieving that goal and in the process have met some of the most amazingly creative, friendly and supportive people. I joined a team called dust(down under street team) and without them I don't think I would be where I am now. Two weeks ago, when the devastation of the Victorian bushfires started to become known, the dust team opened a special store to raise money for the victims. We all thought if we could donate items and raise about $1000 that would be a great effort and help . Now into the third week and having already donated over $13000 I think I can safely say the shop has exceeded our expectations. Donations have not only been from Australians we have had people all over the world donate the 1000 items in the store. The store will remain open until the 31st of March unless it sells out, and with only about 200 items left I'm sure it will be.
The shop was opened and is being run by the wonderful Emma from with help from other DUSTers especially Carley - Thank you all so much for making me feel proud to be part of such a wonderful group of crafters.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

My new shop

Well I finally did it!! I opened my second etsy shop and I called it lace and luxuries. I took me ages to think of a name as I wanted something to tie it to lace and links.
I intend selling everything but jewellery in here and as usual I jumped in with out being organised and it's taken 2 weeks for me to get 10 things listed. I should have waited until I had more but it's too late now.
I guess you can tell I love pretty-pink, lace, satin, florals are a joy to work with and to see something come out of my imagination and become real is the greatest feeling. For me to actually find someone who likes it as much as me is quite amazing.